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Shirley "Daisy" Thompson, A Volunteer and Master Gardener

  • Category: Blogs
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  • Written By: Alyssa Hinman
Shirley "Daisy" Thompson, A Volunteer and Master Gardener

The next time you pass the Tranquility Garden at Flagler Hospital, take a moment to visit the serene space. Breathe in the aromas, listen to the fountain, and thank the indomitable Shirley Thompson for over 52 years of dedicated service to Flagler Health+.

In 2009, the Tranquility Garden was made possible by a charitable donation, on the condition that Shirley "Daisy" Thompson would be in charge of its upkeep.

Shirley is a life-long volunteer. During the Korean War in the 1950s she donated blood every 6 weeks and is now a 16-gallon donor. She joined the Flagler Hospital Auxiliary in the 1970s holding roles that include wrapping surgical instruments for sterile processing, prior to moving her skills to the garden.

Shirley has been a master gardener for nearly 40 years and is also a flower show judge. The Tranquility Garden at Flagler Hospital provides a quiet and serene place for patients, families, visitors, and employees. Patients especially enjoy the garden as it gives them a change of scenery from their hospital rooms. Patients can also enjoy views of the garden from their rooms. "The joy of working in the garden is the people you can touch," Shirley says.

Shirley's enthusiasm for the garden is contagious. She says she will keep working in her beloved dirt until she can no longer walk. With the hospital – and plants – continuing to grow, Shirley has been joined by an assistant, Theresa Lopez.

Volunteer Services is always looking for new members and encourages people interested in learning more to visit for more information.